How to wash a Human Hair Wig?

In order to ensure that your human hair wigs appear in their best form, it is imperative to take care of them. However, understanding the finer details can prove to be a challenge, such as the frequency and appropriate products for washing.

In order to assist you in maintaining your wig at home, we have provided a comprehensive list of instructions regarding what actions you should take and avoid. This will ensure that your wig appears flawless. Our guidance includes step-by-step guidance on how to clean and dry your wig at home, leaving no room for confusion.

Lace Wig Types

Before diving in, it’s beneficial to have an overview of the two common human hair wig varieties. Being knowledgeable about these distinct types can assist with managing your hairpiece at home.

  • Lace front wigs: The wigs in question possess a lace base hairpiece with a sheer appearance that remarkably resembles the appearance of your scalp. This hairpiece is intricately sewn into the crown of the wig. Notably, the lace material is present only in the front of the wig, providing the illusion of a natural hairline.
  • 360 lace front wigs: The 360 lace front wig boasts a lace piece that surrounds the entirety of the wig, as opposed to just the front section. It is an excellent choice for those who wish to sport a high ponytail, which exposes the scalp around the neckline.

Should I Wash My Wig Before Wearing it?

To begin, imagine you have just acquired a pre-made wig. What steps should you take next? Determining whether to cleanse the wig prior to donning it is a matter of individual preference. It’s essential to keep in mind that every wash will reduce the wig’s lifespan. Despite this, certain women prefer the sensation of wearing a freshly laundered wig. An alternative would be to provide a speedy rinse rather than a thorough shampoo and conditioning.

How Often Should I Wash My Human Hair Wig?

Determining the frequency of wig washing is an individual decision. Generally, lace front wig wearers prefer to wash their hairpiece once every one to two weeks. When the wig hair feels tacky or lacks moisture, it signals a need for washing.

If your wig loses its curl or volume, the same advice applies. You must bear in mind that washing it too frequently can decrease its longevity. Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid overwashing it. To decrease the need for shampooing and conditioning, you can wear a wig cap beneath it and remove it before retiring for the night.

How To wash a Human Hair Wig?

After learning the appropriate frequency of washing, it is essential to comprehend the process of washing a wig made of human hair. With only five straightforward steps, you can efficiently complete the wig washing routine.

Step 1: Pre-wash care

To prepare your wig, use a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to delicately untangle any knots. Begin at the bottom and move upward toward the roots for optimal results.

Step 2: Rinse

To proceed, wet your lace wig by submerging it completely in cool to lukewarm water under the faucet. If your wig has long hair, it is recommended to rinse it under a shower faucet to avoid the strands from going down the drain. Once rinsed, use your hands to gently remove excess water and prepare for shampooing. Avoid twisting or wringing the wig too hard to prevent damage.

Step 3: Shampoo

To properly shampoo a wig, start by applying a small amount of shampoo to your hands and gently running them through the hair, being careful to avoid the wig’s scalp. It’s important to use a light touch when shampooing to avoid damaging the strands, so refrain from vigorously scrubbing or rubbing the hair.

To achieve optimal outcomes, opt for a clarifying shampoo formulated specifically for human hair wigs. These shampoos are gentle enough to avoid any potential hair damage and cater to your wig’s unique requirements. Mild shampoos meant for color-treated hair may be preferred by some women.

To rinse off the shampoo, gently pour cool water from the roots of the hair to the tips. After ensuring that all the shampoo has been removed and the water runs clear, use a soft towel to blot the hair gently. Before applying the conditioner, it’s okay for the wig to be a little damp, but not excessively wet.

Step 4: Condition

Once you have shampooed the wig, the next step is to condition it. To ensure the best results, opt for a wig-approved hydrating conditioner and apply a small amount to the wig, starting at the bottom and working your way up. Use your fingers to gently comb through the strands, being careful to keep the conditioner away from the base of the wig.

The recommended time for the conditioner to set varies, so be sure to check the instructions on the bottle. When it’s time to rinse, run cold water from the top of the wig down to the ends of the strands, making sure all of the conditioner is removed before gently blotting the wig dry.

Step 5: Dry

After cleansing your lace wig, allow it to dry naturally on a wig stand instead of using a blow dryer. To prevent any damage, gently blot it with a towel and refrain from brushing until it is fully dry. Once dry, proceed with styling your wig as you typically would.

How to Prolong Your Lace Wig’s Lifespan

By comprehending the art of washing your wig at home, you can restore its vibrancy. Nevertheless, there are additional methods to increase its durability.

  • To preserve the form of your wig and prevent it from tangling, store it on a wig stand when it’s not being worn.
  • To safeguard the strands against harm, it is advisable to steer clear of hot water, saltwater, and chlorine.
  • It is crucial to exercise caution in the choice of tools utilized for styling your wig. It is advisable to abstain from the use of heated styling tools, including straighteners and curling irons, if the wig’s texture and style are not compatible. When unsure, it is best to use minimal styling on the wig.

If you handle human hair wigs with care and gentleness, their longevity can be increased significantly.

Once you have mastered the art of maintaining a human hair wig in the comfort of your home, peruse the wide range of wigs and hair extensions available at Mayvenn. Whether you prefer a sleek virgin yaki straight appearance or a carefree loose wave style, we provide an array of eight textures that guarantee to enhance your beauty and boost your confidence.

And to facilitate the process of achieving your desired hairstyle, we offer a complimentary and hassle-free installation program. If you choose to purchase three bundles from us, we will provide you with the service of a local stylist for installation.

The package will cover shampooing, conditioning, braiding down, sewing in and even styling, all free of charge. Simply use the code FREEINSTALL at the checkout to avail this exciting offer and give yourself a fresh new look.

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